Flying to East Malaysia (Sabah or Sarawak)
The most economical flight daily to Labuan, Kuching, Sibu, Miri or Sandakan in Sarawak or Kota Kinabalu in Sabah is by Malaysia Airlines or Air Asia. Most flights depart from KLIA. There are direct flight from KLIA or Singapore to Kuching on Malaysia Airlines or Singapore Airlines. Direct flight also depart from Brunei, Seoul, Guanczhou, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Taipei, etc to Kota Kinabalu (sabah).
You can also catch flights on other airlines from KLIA or Changi Airport, Singapore. Domestic airports in Malaysia are served by Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia and FAX (FlyAsiaXpress) and Batavia Air (from Indonesia)
...details at myMalaysiabooks (transport pages).